Outdated Information
This online document might be outdated. Please see the LucidControl USB Digital Output Module PDF documentation instead.
3 USB Digital Output Module Operation
This chapter explains the function of the digital output module.
3.1 Output Modes
This section describes the operation of the different output modes and gives examples how the outputs can be controlled.
Each of the outputs of the module can work in one of the following modes:
Physical output value inversion
Digital outputs distinguish between physical and logical state. The logical state of a digital output is the current internal state which can be “0” (cleared) or “1” (set). The logical state of a digital output is calculated by the output handling and is normally identical to the physical output state.
Normally, setting the logical output state to “1” sets the physical output state to “1” which results in a digital output being enabled.
In the case that digital output inversion is activated by setting outDiInverted to “on” the logical and physical states are inverted which means that the physical digital output is inverted in relation to the logical output value. Setting the logical output to “1” clears the physical output state to “0” which results in an output being disabled.
All output modes support inversion of physical state.
3.1.1 Reflect Mode
Reflect Mode is the most simple digital output mode and links the value written to an output with the physical output directly.
Writing “1” to the output causes the digital output being set immediately.
Writing “0” to the output causes the digital output being cleared immediately.
By setting and clearing outputs in Reflect Mode any pattern of the output signal can be generated, but the timing is limited by the communication protocol and the host computer.
This means e.g. that switching an output on and off every 1ms would need 1000 commands per second. This is not realistic because common operating systems do not allow such a fast timing. Moreover the communication (e.g. via USB) takes some time. Altogether this would lead into an inaccurate and non-deterministic timing of the signal.
Duty-Cycle Mode and On-Off Mode prevent this by implementing the critical timing in the module.
LucidIoCtrl Command Line Tool Example
Configure output channel 0 for Reflect mode
LucidIoCtrl –dCOM4 –c0 –soutDiMode=reflect [ENTER]
Set output channel 0 to “1”
LucidIoCtrl –dCOM4 –c0 –tL –w1 [ENTER]
… and Set the channel 0 back to “0”
LucidIoCtrl –dCOM4 –c0 –tL –w0 [ENTER]
3.1.2 Duty-Cycle Mode and PWM

Fig. 3.1.2-1 Digital Output Duty Cycle Mode
In Duty-Cylce Mode the module switches digital outputs on and off in a periodical sequence which is also referred to as PWM (pulse-width-modulation).
By switching a digital output on and off periodically it is e.g. possible to control the power consumed by a device and can be used for e.g. controlling the power of a pump or a heating element. By adding a temperature sensor connected to a LucidControl RI4 module a temperature control loop can be realized.
Switching a lamp or a LED very fast (TCycle < 10 ms) allows the dimming of them very easily.
Fig. 3.1.2-1 shows the typical periodical signal generated in Duty-Cycle Mode.
Setting the output value to “1” starts the processing of output handling until the output value is set to “0” which ends the processing after finishing the running cycle.
The timing of the generated signal is configured by two parameters:
- TCycle defines the cycle time (period) of the signal and can be configured by the IO Configuration Parameter outDiCycleTime.
- The IO Configuration Parameter outDiDutyCycle defines the relation of the on-time TOn and the off-time TOff
- On-time equals to TOn = TCycle / 1000 * DutyCycle
- Off-timer equals to TOff = TCycle – TCycle / 1000 * DutyCycle
The resolution of the generated signal is TCycle/1000 which means that on-time and off-time have a resolution of 1 ‰.
Changing the Configuration Parameters outDiCycleTime or outDiDutyCylce while processing of the Duty-Cycle outputs is running updates the values immediately.
/>Physical output value inversion

Fig. 3.1.2-2 Digital Output Duty Cycle Mode Inversion
Fig. 3.1.2-2 shows the physical output state of the example above in the case that physical output inversion is activated by setting the IO Configuration Parameter outDiInverted to “on”.
While the processing of the outputs of both examples is identical, the figure shows the inverted physical output.

3.1.2-3 Digital Output Duty Cycle Mode Cancel
In the examples above setting the output value to “0” causes the end of the Duty-Cycle processing.
As long as the logic output is “0” value the running cycle can be interrupted immediately by setting the logic value to “0”. But in the case that the logic output value is “1” the processing can earliest stop after the on-state has finished as shown in Fig. 3.1.2-1.
Fig. 3.1.2-3 shows the behavior of the output if the IO Configuration Parameter outDiCanCancel is set to “on”. This allows stopping the logic on-phase immediately returning to “0” when the output processing is stopped by setting the output value to “0”.
Update of Parameters
While output processing is running the IO Configuration Parameters outDiCycleTime and outDiDutyCycle can be updated at any time. The changed values will be used immediately i.e. for the running cycle also.
Mechanical relays have a limited switching capability of approx. 1.000.000 on-off cycles. Because of this the Duty-Cycle Mode is not available for DO4-S module.
LucidIoCtrl Command Line Tool Example
Configure output channel 0 for Duty-Cycle mode
LucidIoCtrl –dCOM4 –c0 –soutDiMode=dutyCycle [ENTER]
Start processing of PWM signal for output channel 0
LucidIoCtrl –dCOM4 –c0 –tT –w1 [ENTER]
Since the module was preconfigured with TCycle = 1 s and DutyCycle = 50% the output is switchted 500 ms to “1” and 500 ms to “0”
Changing TCycle to 2 s
LucidIoCtrl –dCOM4 –c0 –soutCycleTime=2000000 [ENTER]
The output is now 1 s switched on and 1 s switched of
Increase DutyCycle = 75%
LucidIoCtrl –dCOM4 –c0 –soutDutyCycle=750 [ENTER]
… and disable processing of output channel 0
LucidIoCtrl –dCOM4 –c0 –tT –w0 [ENTER]
3.1.3 On-Off Mode

Fig. 3.1.3-1 Digital Output On Off Mode
In On-Off Mode the output generates a one-time sequence pattern shown in Fig. 3.1.3-1.
By using On-Off Mode time controlled switching functions (e.g. used in timing relays) can be realized.
Setting the logic value of the output to “1” starts processing of the output handling by starting the TOnDelay interval. After TOnDelay has passed the logic output value changes to “1” and TOnHold interval starts. After TOnHold time has passed the logic value returns to initial “0” state and the sequence finishes.
In On-Off Mode the following two IO Configuration Parameters are relevant for timing configuration:
- Time TOnDelay is specified by the parameter outDiOnDelay
- Time TOnHold is specified by the parameter outDiOnHold
Physical Output Value Inversion

Fig. 3.1.3-2 Digital Output On Off Mode Inversion
Fig. 3.1.3-2 shows the inverted physical output value of the example above in the case that physical output inversion is activated by setting the IO Configuration Parameter outDiInverted to “on”.
Cancelation of On-Phase

Fig. 3.1.3-3 Digital Output On Off Mode Cancel
Fig. 3.1.3-3 shows the behavior of the output value in the case that IO Configuration Parameter outDiCanCancel is set to “on” and the logical output value is set to “0” before TOnHold has passed.
While in the previous Figures the on-phase finishes after TOnHold has passed outDiCanCancel allows canceling the on-phase immediately by setting the output value to “0”.
Retrigger of On-Phase

Fig. 3.1.3-4 Digital Output On Off Mode Retrigger
Figs. 3.1.3-4 shows the output timing sequence with IO Configuration Parameter outDiCanRetrigger set to “on”.
This setting allows retriggering the on-phase before the logical output returns to initial “0” value.
Setting the logical output value to “1” before TOnHold has passed restarts the TOnHold interval again.
It is save to combine IO Configuration Parameters outDiCanRetrigger=“on” and outDiCanCancel=”on”. This allows retriggering of on-phase as well as on-phase cancelation.
LucidIoCtrl Command Line Tool Example
Configure output channel 0 for On-Off mode
LucidIoCtrl –dCOM4 –c0 –soutDiMode=onOff [ENTER]
Since the module was preconfigured with TOnDelay = 1 s and TOnHold = 1 after writing a “1” to output value of channel 0 will set the output after 1 s for 1 sec returning to “0” finally.
Start processing of output channel 0
LucidIoCtrl –dCOM4 –c0 –tT –w1 [ENTER]
3.2 Timing Limits
The module uses high resolution hardware timers when Duty-Cycle Mode or On-Off Mode is active.
The different output types of the module make it necessary to limit the timing resolution tRes which is shown in the table.
Module | tRes |
DO4-I | 10 ms |
DO4-O | 0.1 ms |
DO4-S | 100 ms |
The timing resolution defines the minimum interval for a single on-phase or off-phase of the output. If a specified or calculated on-time or off-time is lower than tRes the void phase is skipped.
The output 0 of DO4-S module is configured for Duty-Cycle Mode with TCycle = 1 s (1.000.000 µs) and a DutyCyle of 50‰.
The resulting times are TOn = 50 ms and TOff = 950 ms. Since TOn violates the tRes constraint, requesting more than 100 ms as minimum interval the on-phase of the output is skipped, causing the output staying low permanently.
Maximum timing interval
TCycle, TOnDelay and TOnHold have a common maximum limit of 3.600.000 µs (1 hour) for all modules.
3.3 Commands
After an output was set up correctly and configured it is possible to write to the output by using the SetIo command or SetIoGroup command.
The current value or state of the output can be read by using GetIo command or GetIoGroup command.
Accessing inputs and outputs is a very common task which is mostly identical for all LucidControl modules. Please refer to the sections:
The following sections describe in detail the commands which are supported by the DO4 module.
3.3.1 SetIo
This command sets one output value.
Please see also the General LucidControl documentation for more information.
This table illustrates the meaning of the values depending on the Output Mode.
Mode | Value |
Reflect | Value reflects the logic state to the output as “0x00” or “0x01” |
Duty-Cycle | Status of the Duty-Cycle Mode processing. “0x01” refers to enabled processing, “0x00” to disabled processing. |
On-Off | Status of the On-Off Mode processing. “0x01” refers to enabled processing, “0x00” to disabled processing. |
Command | SetIo | Access | Write |
Opcode | 0x40 | ||
LucidIoControl Command Line Tool | |||
Call (-tL) | LucidIoCtrl –d[COMx] –c[Channel] –tL –w[Value] |
Request Frame
When using the LucidIoCtrl command line tool the distinction between the SetIo and SetIoGroup commands is not necessary since LucidIoCtrl command line tool handles this automatically.
Request Frame
OPC | P1 | P2 | LEN | Data Field |
0x40 | Channel | Value Type | Length | Value |
Value | Description | ||||||
Channel | Number of output channel (Range: 0 ~ 3) | ||||||
Value Type |
Length | Length of the Values in the Data Field | ||||||
Value | Values accordingly to the Value Type |
Response Frame
Status | LEN |
Status | 0 |
The command does not return any data.
In the case of an error the command returns Execution Status Code.
Set the digital output channel 2 to “High”
Request Frame
OPC | P1 | P2 | LEN | Data Field |
0x40 | 0x01 | 0x00 | 0<01 | 0x01 |
Response Frame
Status | LEN |
0x00 | 0x00 |
3.3.2 SetIoGroup
This command writes values of the same value type to multiple output channels.
Please see also the General LucidControl documentation for more information.
Comma separated list of values e.g. –w1,1,0
Command | SetIoGroup | Access | Write |
Opcode | 0x42 | ||
LucidIoControl Command Line Tool | |||
Call (-tL) | LucidIoCtrl –d[COMx] –c[Channels] –tL –w[Values] Channels Comma separated list of channels e.g. –c0,1,3 |
Request Frame
OPC | P1 | P2 | LEN | Data |
0x42 | Channel Mask |
Value Type | Length | Value(s) |
Value | Description | |||||||||||||||
Channel Mask | Channel Bit Mask specifying the channel number(s)
Values can be bitwise combined |
Value Type |
Length | Length of the Values in the Data Field (One Value for every channel) | |||||||||||||||
Value(s) | One or more values to set in ascending channel order |
Response Frame
Status | LEN |
Status | 0 |
The command does not return any data.
In the case of an error the command returns Execution Status Code.
This request frame set output 0 to “1”, output 1 to “1” and output 3 to “0”
Request Frame
OPC | P1 | P2 | LEN | Data Field | |||||||
0x42 | 0x0B | 0x00 | 0x03 | Value Channel 0 | Value Channel 1 | Value Channel 3 | |||||
0x01 | 0x01 | 0x00 |
Response Frame
Status | Length |
0x00 | 0x00 |
LucidIoCtrl Command Line Tool Example
Set output channel 0 to “1”, output channel 2 to “1” and output channel 3 to “0”:
LucidIoCtrl –dCOM4 –c0,2,3 –tL –w1,1,0 [ENTER]
3.3.3 GetIo
This command reads the value or state of a digital output.
Please see also the General LucidControl documentation for more information.
Command | GetIo | Access | Read | ||||
Opcode | 0x46 | ||||||
LucidIoControl Command Line Tool | |||||||
Call (-tL) | LucidIoCtrl –d[COMx] –c[Channel] –tL –r |
Return | CHn:LL
When using the LucidIoCtrl command line tool the distinction between GetIo and GetIoGroup commands is not necessary since the program handles this automatically.
Request Frame
OPC | P1 | P2 | LEN |
0x46 | Channel | Value Type | 0 |
Value | Description | ||||||
Channel | Number of output channel (Range: 0 ~ 3) | ||||||
Value Type |
Response Frame
In case of successful execution the command returns the value of the specified channel number.
Status | LEN | Data Field |
Status | Length | Value |
In the case of an error the command returns Execution Status Code.
LucidIoCtrl Command Line Tool Example
Read output channel 0:
LucidIoCtrl –dCOM4 –c0 –tL -r [ENTER]
-> CH0:01
3.3.4 GetIoGroup
This command reads the values or states of a group of digital outputs of the same Value Type.
Please see also the General LucidControl documentation for more information.
Command | GetIoGroup | Access | Read | ||||
Opcode | 0x48 | ||||||
LucidIoControl Command Line Tool | |||||||
Call (-tL) | LucidIoCtrl –d[COMx] –c[Channels] –tL –r Channels Comma separated list of channels e.g. –c0,1,3 |
Return | List of values sorted from lower to higher channels CHn:LL
Request Frame
OPC | P1 | P2 | LEN |
0x48 | Channel Mask |
Value Type | 0 |
Value | Description | |||||||||||||||
Channel Mask | Specifies the output channels to access
Values can be bitwise combined |
Value Type |
Response Frame
In case of successful execution the command returns the read values or states of the channels specified in the Channel Mask.
Status | LEN | Data Field |
Status | Size | Value(s) |
In the case of an error the command returns Execution Status Code.
Example of GetIoGroup Request
This request frame reads inputs 0, 1 and 3
Request Frame
OPC | P1 | P2 | LEN |
0x48 | 0x0B | 0x00 | 0x00 |
Channel Mask (P1) = 0x01 OR 0x02 OR 0x08 = 0x0B
Response Frame
For input 0 = “0”, input 1 = “1” and input 3 = “1”
Values in Data Field are in ascending order Channel 0, Channel 1, Channel3.
Header Field | Data Field | |||
Status | LEN | Value Channel 0 |
Value Channel 1 |
Value Channel 2 |
0x00 | 0x03 | 0x00 | 0x01 | 0x01 |
LucidIoCtrl Command Line Tool Example
Read output values of channel 0, 1 and 3:
LucidIoCtrl –dCOM4 –c0,1,3 –tL –r [ENTER]
-> CH0:00 CH1:01 CH3:01
3.4 Parameters
LucidControl modules allow configuration by a set of System Configuration Parameters and IO Configuration Parameters.
The Parameters are accessible by using the SetParam command and GetParam command which are described the genreral LucidControl documentation.
The relevance of some parameters affecting the Digital Output module may depend on the operation mode.
3.4.1 outDiValue
This IO Configuration Parameter reflects the value or the state of the output.
Parameter | outDiValue | Access | Read / Write |
Address | 0x1000 | ||
Values | Output Value or State | ||
Default Value | 0x00 | Parameter Type | 1 Byte unsigned |
LucidIoControl Command Line Tool | |||
Parameter Name | outDiValue | Parameter Values | 0x00 or 0x01 |
Call (Set) | LucidIoCtrl –d[COMx] –c[Channel] –soutDiValue=[Value] {-p} {--default} |
Call (Get) | LucidIoCtrl –d[COMx] –c[Channel] –goutDiValue |
LucidIoCtrl Command Line Tool Example
Set value of output channel 0 to “1” and make the setting persistent:
LucidIoCtrl –dCOM4 –c0 –soutDiValue=1 –p [ENTER]
Read value or state of output channel 0:
LucidIoCtrl –dCOM4 –c0 –goutDiValue [ENTER]
-> outDiValue=0
For normal operation it is recommended to use the functions SetIo and GetIo in order to write or read to an output.
Setting outDiValue allows to assign a persistent value by means that the output value is restored after the module is restarted.
3.4.2 outDiMode
This IO Configuration parameter configures the operation mode of the output.
Parameter | outDiMode | Access | Read / Write | ||||||||||
Address | 0x1100 | ||||||||||||
Values | Output Mode
Default Value | 0x00 | Parameter Type | 1 Byte unsigned | ||||||||||
LucidIoControl Command Line Tool | |||||||||||||
ParameterName | outDMode | Parameter Values | inactive / reflect/ onoff / dutyCycle |
Call (Set) | LucidIoCtrl –d[COMx] –c[Channel] –soutDiMode=[Value] {-p} {--default} |
Call (Get) | LucidIoCtrl –d[COMx] –c[Channel] –goutDiMode |
LucidIoCtrl Command Line Tool Example
Set operation mode of channel 0 to Duty-Cycle Mode and make the setting persistent.
LucidIoCtrl –dCOM4 –c0 –soutDiMode=dutyCycle –p [ENTER]
Read the operation mode of channel 0
LucidIoCtrl –dCOM4 –c0 –goutDiMode [ENTER]
-> outDiMode=dutyCycle
3.4.3 Bit Parameter outDiFlags
This IO Configuration Parameter groups Bit Parameters which are represented by one bit e.g. having an “on” or “off” state only.
Parameter | outDiFlags | Access | Read / Write | ||||||||
Address | 0x1101 | ||||||||||
Values | Consists of the following Bit Parameters
Default Value | 0x00 | Parameter Type | 1 Byte unsigned |
The parameter outDiFlags cannot be accessed directly by using the Command Line Tool. The Bit Parameters can be used instead.
When outDiFlags is changed by the SetParam command the current setting of outDiFlags should be read before updating it in order to prevent overwriting other Bit Parameters. outDiInverted
Parameter | outDiFlags | Access | Read / Write | ||||
Address | 0x1101 | Bit Parameter | |||||
Values |
Default Value | Off | Parameter Type | 1 Bit | ||||
LucidIoControl Command Line Tool | |||||||
ParameterName | outDiInverted | Parameter Values | on / off | ||||
Call (Set) | LucidIoCtrl –d[COMx] –c[Channel] –soutDiInverted=[Value] {-p} {--default} |
Call (Get) | LucidIoCtrl –d[COMx] –c[Channel] –goutDiInverted |
LucidIoCtrl Command Line Tool Example
Enable inversion of physical output channel 0 and make the setting persistent.
LucidIoCtrl –dCOM4 –c0 –soutDiInverted=on –p [ENTER]
Read inversion configuration of physical output channel 0
LucidIoCtrl –dCOM4 –c0 –goutDiInverted [ENTER]
-> outDiInverted=on outDiCanCancel
This Bit Parameter configures the output on-phase cancelation and is relevant in Duty-Cycle Mode and On-Off Mode only.
Parameter | ouDiFlags | Access | Read / Write | ||||
Address | 0x1101 | Bit Parameter | |||||
Values |
Default Value | Off | Parameter Type | 1 Bit | ||||
LucidIoControl Command Line Tool | |||||||
ParameterName | outDiCanCancel | Parameter Values | on / off | ||||
Call (Set) | LucidIoCtrl –d[COMx] –c[Channel] –soutDiCanCancel=[Value] {-p} {--default} |
Call (Get) | LucidIoCtrl –d[COMx] –c[Channel] –goutDiCanCancel |
LucidIoCtrl Command Line Tool Example
Enable output cancelation output channel 0 and make the setting persistent.
LucidIoCtrl –dCOM4 –c0 –soutDiCanCancel=on –p [ENTER]
Read configuration of output cancelation of output channel 0
LucidIoCtrl –dCOM4 –c0 –goutDiCanCancel [ENTER]
-> outDiCanCancel=on outDiCanRetrigger
This Bit Parameter configures the on-phase retrigger function of the output and is relevant for On-Off Mode only.
Parameter | outDiFlags | Access | Read / Write | ||||
Address | 0x1101 | Bit Parameter | |||||
Values |
Default Value | Off | Parameter Type | 1 Bit | ||||
LucidIoControl Command Line Tool | |||||||
ParameterName | outDiCanRetrigger | Parameter Values | on / off | ||||
Call (Set) | LucidIoCtrl –d[COMx] –c[Channel] –soutDiCanRetrigger=[Value] {-p} {--default} |
Call (Get) | LucidIoCtrl –d[COMx] –c[Channel] –goutDiCanRetrigger |
LucidIoCtrl Command Line Tool Example
Enable output retrigger of channel 0 and make the setting persistent.
LucidIoCtrl –dCOM4 –c0 –soutDiCanRetrigger=on –p [ENTER]
Read output retrigger configuration of output channel 0
LucidIoCtrl –dCOM4 –c0 –goutDiCanRetrigger [ENTER]
-> outDiCanRetrigger=on
3.4.4 outDiCycleTime
This IO Configuration Parameter specifies the cycle time TCycle of an output in Duty-Cycle Mode.
Parameter | outDiCycleTime | Access | Read / Write |
Address | 0x1110 | ||
Values | TCycle in µs (micro seconds) TRes ≤ TCycle ≤ 1 h |
Default Value | 1,000,000 (1 s) | Parameter Type | 4 Bytes unsigned |
LucidIoControl Command Line Tool | |||
ParameterName | outDiCycleTime | Parameter Values | TCycle [µs] |
Call (Set) | LucidIoCtrl –d[COMx] –c[Channel] –soutDiCycleTime=[Time] {-p} {--default} |
Call (Get) | LucidIoCtrl –d[COMx] –c[Channel] –goutDiCycleTime |
LucidIoCtrl Command Line Tool Example
Set TCycle of output channel 0 to 1.5 s and make the setting persistent.
LucidIoCtrl –dCOM4 –c0 –soutDiCycleTime=1500000 –p [ENTER]
Read TCycle parameter of output channel 0
LucidIoCtrl –dCOM4 –c0 –goutDiCycleTime [ENTER]
-> outDiCycleTime=1500000
tRes timing limits must be considered.
3.4.5 outDiDutyCycle
This IO Configuration Parameter specifies the Duty-Cycle of an output in Duty-Cycle Mode.
Parameter | outDiDutyCycle | Access | Read / Write |
Address | 0x1111 | ||
Values | Duty Cycle in ‰ (1 / 1000) | ||
Default Value | 500 (50 %) | Parameter Type | 2 Bytes unsigned |
LucidIoControl Command Line Tool | |||
ParameterName | outDiDutyCycle | Parameter Values | Duty Cycle [‰] |
Call (Set) | LucidIoCtrl –d[COMx] –c[Channel] –soutDiDutyCycle=[Value] {-p} {--default} |
Call (Get) | LucidIoCtrl –d[COMx] –c[Channel] –goutDiDutyCylce |
LucidIoCtrl Command Line Tool Example
Set Duty Cycle of output channel 0 to 20% and make the setting persistent.
LucidIoCtrl –dCOM4 –c0 –soutDiDutyCycle=200 –p [ENTER]
Read Duty Cycle setting for output channel 0
LucidIoCtrl –dCOM4 –c0 –goutDiDutyCycle [ENTER]
-> outDiDutyCycle=200
tRes timing limits must be considered.
3.4.6 outDiOnDelay
This IO Configuration Parameter specifies the on-delay time TOnDelay of an output in On-Off Mode.
Parameter | outDiOnDelay | Access | Read / Write |
Address | 0x1112 | ||
Values | TOnDelay in µs (micro seconds) TRes ≤ TOnDelay ≤ 1 h |
Default Value | 1,000,000 (1 s) | Parameter Type | 4 Bytes unsigned |
LucidIoControl Command Line Tool | |||
ParameterName | outDiOnDelay | Parameter Values | TOnDelay [µs] |
Call (Set) | LucidIoCtrl –d[COMx] –c[Channel] –soutDiOnDelay=[Time] {-p} {--default} |
Call (Get) | LucidIoCtrl –d[COMx] –c[Channel] –goutDiOnDelay |
LucidIoCtrl Command Line Tool Example
Set TOnDelay of output channel 0 to 520 ms and make the setting persistent.
LucidIoCtrl –dCOM4 –c0 –soutDiOnDelay=520000 –p [ENTER]
Read TOnDelay setting of output channel 0
LucidIoCtrl –dCOM4 –c0 –goutDiOnDelay [ENTER]
-> outDiOnDelay=520000
tRes timing limits must be considered.
3.4.7 outDiOnHold
This IO Configuration Parameter specifies the on-hold time TOnHold of an output in On-Off Mode.
Parameter | outDiOnHold | Access | Read / Write |
Address | 0x1113 | ||
Values | TOnHold in µs (micro seconds) TRes ≤ TOnHold ≤ 1 h |
Default Value | 1,000,000 (1 s) | Parameter Type | 4 Bytes unsigned |
LucidIoControl Command Line Tool | |||
ParameterName | outDiOnHold | Parameter Values | TCycle [µs] |
Call (Set) | LucidIoCtrl –d[COMx] –c[Channel] –soutDiOnHold=[Time] {-p} {--default} |
Call (Get) | LucidIoCtrl –d[COMx] –c[Channel] –goutDiOnHold |
LucidIoCtrl Command Line Tool Example
Set TOnHold of output channel 0 to 1200 ms and make the setting persistent.
LucidIoCtrl –dCOM4 –c0 –soutDiOnHold=1200000 –p [ENTER]
Read TOnHold setting of output channel 0
LucidIoCtrl –dCOM4 –c0 –goutDiOnHold [ENTER]
-> outDiOnHold=1200000
tRes timing limits must be considered.
Previous Chapter:
2 Setup and Installation
Next Chapter:
4 Specification