NI LabVIEW Support for LucidControl Modules

LucidControl Analog Output USB Module with 4 analog outputs

LucidControl Analog Output DAC USB Module

In the past several of our customers used LucidControl USB IO Modules together with National Instruments LabVIEW and they developed their own VIs and projects.

Since the USB IO Modules can be interfaced by using a simple and well documented protocol based on serial port communication, it is easy to access them in any programming language even if no Application Programming Interface is available for a specific environment.

Thanks to one of our clients we can now provide an example of a LabVIEW project using VIs made for the USB Analog Output Module (AO4).

This example explains how to communicate via the virtual serial port with the USB IO Module and includes VIs for:

  • Reading device information like device class or serial number from the USB IO Module
  • Setting the value of an analog output channel
  • Reading the value of an analog output channel
AO4 LabView Settings

AO4 LabView Settings

The controls allow entering the comport to which the USB IO Module is connected to. The user can select a channel to update and the new output voltage to set.

AO4 LabView Device Info

AO4 LabView Device Info

This screen shows device relevant information like device class and type, firmware version and serial number of the USB IO Module.

The example explains reading from and writing to the USB IO Module. It is a starting point and should make it easier for a LabView developer implementing other modules.

We want to point out that the VI is not a complete LabVIEW driver, but a example which might need some adaption in order to fit your needs.

The example can be found in our download section.